Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The NFL is just toying with our emotions. And we’re all falling for it.

The Lockout is long gone.  Football is back.  And in case you didn’t know that already, the NFL is going to remind you.  Again.  And Again.  And again.

The NFL has launched a “Back to Football” campaign to make sure we, the fans, know that we are supposed to be extra excited about football this year.  We’re supposed to forget that not much more than a month ago we were all cursing the NFL -- the greedy owners, the greedy players.  All that greed.  All at our expense.  We were worried we might not have any football at all this year.  Some said we should show our disappointment, dare I say anger, over the whole ordeal by not to going to games.  We shouldn’t feed the juggernaut with our hard earned cash.  

But we all knew we weren’t really going to do that, didn’t we?  Football is far too tempting a mistress to forsake just because of a little thing like a labor dispute.  And--here’s the ugly part--the NFL knew this, too.  They knew this all along.  They don’t have to win back our trust or our love.  They had it all along.  They merely need to tug on the heartstrings a bit with a few sepia-toned, indie-music-scored commercials and we’re over it.  We’re dressing up our dogs up in jerseys and loading up the fanbulance just like the good old days.  Just a brief look at the search results for the NFL-sponsored #BackToFootball hashtag reveals the enthusiasm for the season.  Even the players are over it.  They’re “totally psyched” to be back, too!  They were on an emotional roller coaster...just like us!

So, ultimately, no matter how upset the fans feel about the lockout, how jerked around and taken for granted we felt for the past half a year, we’ll be back.  We’ll always be back.  So, NFL owners, players, and executives, we know you’ve just been toying with our emotions all along.  And we’re OK with it.  The NFL season is just around the corner and we can’t wait

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